

电影 恐怖 2013 美国


导演:Michael Z. Wechsler 

主演:贾德·赫希 Ryan O'Nan 


剧情:🍭  Dr. Nathaniel Shellner, 75, has led an extraordinary life as a psychiatrist working with traumatized patients fleeing war zones in refugee camps, earning a Nobel Prize for his work. After having one child, Leonard, with his wife, Lillian, the Shellners adopt the remainder of their family from the camps where Dr. Shellner worked. Ultimately the Shellners incorporated children from all over the world into their family: Tommy, Julie, Harry. As Dr. Shellner succumbs to cancer on a frigid, icy day, the family convenes at the house where the couple raised the children for a final, bittersweet farewell. Or, that’s the idea until all hell breaks loose after Tommy arrives and accuses his father of adopting his children not out of concern for their future well-being, but to use them for some warped psychological experiment…


暗场比赛 4.0 正片 史蒂文·奥格 迈克尔·艾克朗德 莎拉·坎宁  A small-time wrestling company accepts a well-paying gig in a backwoods town only to learn, too late
暗场比赛 恐怖
猪头人归来 9.0 HD Lauren Staerck   Alina Desmond   Valery Danko   On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybri
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红色罗宾 9.0 HD中字 贾德·赫希 Ryan O'Nan    Dr. Nathaniel Shellner, 75, has led an extraordinary life as a psychiatrist working with traumatiz
红色罗宾 恐怖
红色罗宾 6.0 HD中字 贾德·赫希 Ryan O'Nan    Dr. Nathaniel Shellner, 75, has led an extraordinary life as a psychiatrist working with traumatiz
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猪头人归来 5.0 HD Lauren Staerck   Alina Desmond   Valery Danko   On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybri
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猪头人归来 6.0 HD Lauren Staerck   Alina Desmond   Valery Danko   On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybri
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暗场比赛 1.0 正片 史蒂文·奥格 迈克尔·艾克朗德 莎拉·坎宁  A small-time wrestling company accepts a well-paying gig in a backwoods town only to learn, too late
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睡着即死 5.0 正片 未知  Phi Am是一种恶毒又诡异的超自然灵体,深植于泰国民间传说和神话当中,并被认为是一名遭受悲惨和不公正死亡的女性复仇之魂。在泰国,小时候的姗玩了禁忌的通灵游戏,不仅失去母亲,也成为姗的童年创伤,让她持
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放大镜 10.0 HD Naushad Ali Noushad Ali Albert Vanloo  曼纽尔带着母亲回到了他们位于中产阶级社区的老家。普里亚达希尼和她的朋友们怀疑他的意图,开始收集线索,确信他可能隐藏着什么不可告人的秘密。
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猪人归来 5.0 正片 Lauren Staerck Alina Desmond Valery Danko  On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybrid who
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猪人归来 8.0 正片 Lauren Staerck Alina Desmond Valery Danko  On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybrid who
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猪人归来 3.0 正片 Lauren Staerck Alina Desmond Valery Danko  On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybrid who
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猪人归来 3.0 正片 Lauren Staerck Alina Desmond Valery Danko  On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybrid who
猪人归来 恐怖
睡着即死 2.0 正片 未知  Phi Am是一种恶毒又诡异的超自然灵体,深植于泰国民间传说和神话当中,并被认为是一名遭受悲惨和不公正死亡的女性复仇之魂。在泰国,小时候的姗玩了禁忌的通灵游戏,不仅失去母亲,也成为姗的童年创伤,让她持
睡着即死 恐怖
睡着即死 3.0 正片 未知  Phi Am是一种恶毒又诡异的超自然灵体,深植于泰国民间传说和神话当中,并被认为是一名遭受悲惨和不公正死亡的女性复仇之魂。在泰国,小时候的姗玩了禁忌的通灵游戏,不仅失去母亲,也成为姗的童年创伤,让她持
睡着即死 恐怖